celebrity voice over

After his thrilling victory against Olympic legend Alex Ferreira in Hot Dog Hans 3, the crusty old dog is back and on the road to…

Before I get to my Ronald Reagan impression, I want to give you the backstory. In 1980, I was in first grade. I actually remember…

Today’s episode features my Will Smith impression. It’s a decent match, despite lacking the hours of practice it’ll need to hit the mark. What am…

For Day 82, here’s my Harrison Ford impression – along with a friend! They’re stuck in an elevator together. Hilarity.

I had already posted an Alec Baldwin voice match for today’s episode when another cool idea came my way (thank you to all my Facebook…

There’s this notion that Dads are selectively inept creatures. Need a tree chopped down? Dad can do it. Want to learn about football? That’s Dad’s…

Originally, I had slated Robin Williams for today’s voice, but after some pretty solid efforts in the studio, I wasn’t pleased with where he was…

Michael Caine recently appeared on a TV chat show in the UK. The host told him that he was one of the most impersonated celebrities…

I saw that Jay Leno appeared on The Tonight Show recently to deliver part of the opening monologue, and I realized that I’ve sometimes played…

Last year, as part of an anniversary showing of Back to the Future (to benefit the Michael J. Fox Foundation ) I was asked by…

Yesterday, I produced a pretty elaborate piece featuring my Michael Douglas impression. I really liked it. So, for today’s Sean Connery impression, I aimed for…

For today’s episode, I took on one of my favorite actors. The piece itself is pretty short, but that’s the challenge I sometimes face. Doing…

A while back, during an episode of Beer & Board Games , I burst into an impromptu bit as Adam Sandler (I think I was…

A couple of weeks ago, my friend Greg requested that I do my Gilbert Gottfried impression. Or more specifically, “Gilbert Gottfried Goes to the Proctologist”…