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Barack Obama

Play Video Games With Barack Obama*

*Professional Impersonator First, a warning that some of the YouTube content I’m sharing in this blog post is NSFW. Back in 2014, I starred in…

Celebrity Voice Match Demos

Looking for a particular celebrity voice match or likeness? Check out my celebrity voice match demos below to hear just some of my favorite voice…

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Oct 23 2018

My impression of Barack Obama is featured in this piece, which also includes a familiar “speech” tone and production effects.  If you’re looking for a…

Celebrity Announcements

When you’ve got important information to share with your customers, you want to grab their attention.  That attention is increasingly hard to capture.  That’s why…

Celebrity Impersonation Voice Demo

In my 2016 Celebrity Impression Demo, I cover Morgan Freeman, Christopher Walken, Barack Obama, Matthew McConaughey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Matt Damon, Jerry Seinfeld, Patrick Stewart, Billy…

Obama Impression (Horrible Lip Reading)

I recently teamed with a very good friend (and brilliant musician) to create an homage to “Bad Lip Reading”, using my impression of Barack Obama…

Obama Plays Titanfall (Parody)

Through dozens of videos, I’ve taken on the (parody) role of Barack Obama playing video games.  The Obama Plays Titanfall series has been one of…