Play Video Games With Barack Obama*
*Professional Impersonator
First, a warning that some of the YouTube content I’m sharing in this blog post is NSFW.
Presidential Voice Overs FTW
If you’ve ever wanted to play video games with Barack Obama*, then I have great news for you!
For a long time, I’ve used my skills as a professional impersonator to match voices like that of former President Barack Obama. You can check out a number of previous blog posts to hear more.
Back in 2014, I starred in a popular YouTube video called “President Obama Plays Titanfall”, in which I collaborated with long time content creators and streamers, Game Society Pimps. I portrayed a fictionalized version of Barack Obama playing the video game, Titanfall. It wasn’t the first time I impersonated Obama in a video gameplay setting, nor was it the most viewed (that record belongs to “President Obama Plays GTA 5 Online“, which boasts 4.5 million views). But, what made the Titanfall video so special was that it was written about on – “‘President Obama Plays Titanfall’ Is a Thing and It’s Pretty Incredible”
In the years since, online gaming and streaming platforms like Twitch have allowed gameplay and personality content to become more integrated into our lives. And those developments have fueled new approaches to online gaming and content. That’s where Lila comes in.
Lila is a service which puts live actors (and in my case, a live celebrity impersonator) into gameplay scenarios that you and your friends can play and experience firsthand. With optional VR capabilities, the Lila experience becomes all the more realistic and immersive! All you need is a copy of the game in which the scenario is presented (in my case, The Forest) and a group of friends who are looking for an exciting and positive online gaming experience. That’s another great thing about Lila. It’s a supportive, collaborative, and inspriational experience. A small admission fee may apply to book the experience of your choice – but that’s how easy it is to play video games with Barack Obama*!
The future is a bit of a mystery, but the folks at Lila looked at what the future of entertainment could be – and I’m very thankful for the opportunity to be a part of it!
*Seriously, not actually Barack Obama. I’m a professional impersonator.
Published on Oct 15 2020
Categories: Barack Obama, Celebrity Impression, Video Games
Tags: Lila, Obama, The Forest
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Character Voice Overs and Automated Dialogue Replacement