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Play Video Games With Barack Obama*

*Professional Impersonator

First, a warning that some of the YouTube content I’m sharing in this blog post is NSFW.

Back in 2014, I starred in a popular YouTube video called “President Obama Plays Titanfall”, in which I collaborated with long time content creators and streamers, Game Society Pimps. I portrayed a fictionalized version of Barack Obama playing the video game, Titanfall. It wasn’t the first time I impersonated Obama in a video gameplay setting, nor was it the most viewed (that record belongs to “President Obama Plays GTA 5 Online“, which boasts 4.5 million views). But, what made the Titanfall video so special was that it was written about on – “‘President Obama Plays Titanfall’ Is a Thing and It’s Pretty Incredible”

*Seriously, not actually Barack Obama. I’m a professional impersonator.