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Studio Upgrades

(UPDATE) – This post from January, 2014, captures the excitement of my first custom recording booth build.  In June of 2017, I moved to a new home, and Andy Kidd was hired again to take on the massive task of building not only a recording booth (like the one in 2014), but also a proper sound-suppressed studio.  The 2017 studio and booth build is documented in these two posts:

2017 Studio Build – Part One

2017 Studio Build – Part Two

The latest studio upgrade begins tomorrow morning! My good friend Andy (he’s a construction genius) is building a custom sound suppression booth in my studio. I’ll be snapping some pics along the way so you can see the thrilling details! Because this construction is custom, and because the finishing/painting/electrical/etc… will take place in stages, I will not be back in-studio until Monday afternoon (1/6/14).