Day 50 – Barack Obama is a Dolphin
The halfway point! With fifty different celebrity impersonations in the tank and fifty more to go, I’m starting to feel a real sense of accomplishment. I’ve got the remaining fifty voices slated out, with some of my most practiced and popular voices among them. To mark the occasion of day fifty, I’ve decided to go with an impersonation I’m very comfortable with. My Barack Obama impression. It’s the voice that really broke things open for me, with the Obama Plays series of YouTube videos – racking up over ten million views between the first six videos in the series, and a write-up on Time.com.
Since I’m pretty solid with my Obama impression, I wanted to do something a little weird with it though. So, I present to you:
Day 50 of the 100 Voices in 100 Days project – Barack Obama is a Dolphin.
Published on May 09 2016
Categories: 100 Voices in 100 Days, News
Tags: Barack Obama impression, celebrity voice overs, voice matching
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Day 49 – Gary Sinise Makes a Prank Phone Call