Day 39 – Andy Richter Plants a Tree
In honor of Earth Day, I’ve incorporated the environmentally-conscious act of planting a tree into today’s episode. I’ve also incorporated an environmentally-conscious Andy Richter into the episode, as the one who is planting the tree. I’m really happy with how it turned out – considering I hadn’t previously done an Andy Richter impression (nor did I set out to do one today).
I was actually planning on doing Harrison Ford. But unfortunately, my throat/voice is a bit wonky due to the start of a cold or allergies – and I was having some difficulty dialing Harrison in. I watched a few recent Harrison Ford interviews to help get my voice in the right spot, but it just wasn’t working out. As YouTube does, there was a list of “suggested for you” videos down the right panel of the page, and the top video was a Zac Efron interview.
After a few minutes trying to dial in Zac Efron, I realized he was going to require a bit more time than I had – but the interview was about the upcoming sequel to Neighbors, co-starring Seth Rogan. That’s when I watched a few moments of Seth Rogan on Conan, and I was having such a rough freaking time with his voice too!
That’s when I heard the voice of my angel, Andy Richter. He illuminated my path and inspired me to complete today’s episode.
I hope that you enjoy it.
Published on Apr 22 2016
Categories: 100 Voices in 100 Days, News
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