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Day 19 – David Letterman Gets a Hair In His Mouth

I’ve really liked doing my David Letterman impression (and have done it for years), but with his retirement from Late Night, he had sort of fallen off the radar.

Until a couple of days ago when he was photographed taking a jog while on vacation in the Caribbean.

A friend had posted one of these photos on Facebook, with the only the caption “Guess Who”.  You see, his appearance was such a departure from how I was accustomed to seeing David Letterman, that I literally stared at the picture for 15 seconds and couldn’t determine who it was.  I knew that I knew some of the features, but I was coming up with nothing.

After finding out it was Letterman, of course I could see it.

I’m glad he’s having a good retirement.  But I bet he gets beard hairs in his mouth.  Hence today’s piece.  Today’s hair piece.  Ok, I’m done.