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100 Voices In 100 Days

Through my whole career, I’ve often had to attempt brand new voice matches for movie trailer and motion picture ADR use.  They’re often rush auditions, and much of the time, they’re not voices I’ve done previously.  Understandably so, they’re not all perfect.  But it’s been great exercise for my existing skills – to hear a new voice (and sometimes only a few words of that voice) and immediately dial it in for recording.

It got me thinking about the challenge of it.  I had already created a list of those voices I consider my “best” twenty or thirty – but could I create a list of all the voices I can perform?

That’s where things start to get interesting.

After a few days of jotting down voices as they occurred to me, I was able to list 82 voices which range from “pretty good” to “spot on”.  But 82 is a weird number.  So, I thought, “all I need is 18 more and I’ve got 100!”.  So, that’s how I landed on 100 voices.

I thought about doing a single video, showcasing all 100 – or even five videos featuring 20 each – but they’d be absurdly long videos.  Plus, I wasn’t keen on the video aspect of it.  I mean, watching me make voices sort of betrays the audio illusion. Back when I did this, YouTube wasn’t what it is now, and Tik Tok was over a decade away.  So, I didn’t do video.

Instead, I’m opted for a 100 day challenge – in which I’ll feature one voice each weekday, recorded within an entertaining premise. 
