Westworld Mobile Promo Voice Over
One of my specialties as a voice actor is creating vocal styles which are inspired by other voices. These inspired-by styles aren’t impressions or impersonations, and they’re not voice matches. I call them evocations, but that sounds fancier than it is. The general idea is that a client wants an original vocal approach for a project, but they want that original style to be flavored with an existing voice over or character. The goal is not to have the audience think the voice is actually that of the actor/character in question but, rather, to evoke the spirit of that particular person’s vocal qualities.
Back in June, I voiced a promo for the Westworld Mobile game, created by Warner Bros., and based on the hit HBO series of the same name. Over the course of the audition call-back, the style of the voice over took on the temperament and vocal characteristics of Jeffrey Wright’s Westworld character, Bernard Lowe. Jeffrey Wright is an amazing actor with a very distinct voice, so it was a bit of a daunting task.
It was a cool project, and I’m proud to have been part of it. If you’re looking for a similar style voice over, or you’re searching for an original voice which evokes a hint of another vocal style you’re fond of, contact me today.
Published on Dec 07 2018
Categories: Game Promo, Jeffrey Wright, News, Westworld
Tags: Westworld Promo